1865(慶応元) 1866(慶応2) 1867(慶応3) 1868(明冶元) 1870(明治3) 1871(明治4) 1872(明治5) 1873(明治6) 1874(明治7) (with the money he made from selling his small sword to Captain H. S. Taylor.) The Wildrover arrives in Boston. Neesima hands “Why I Departed from Japan” to Mr. and Mrs. A. Hardy, the owners of the Wild Rover. After reading it they decide to become his “foster parents". Neesima enters Phillips Academy. Neesima is baptized at the church of Andover Theological Seminary. Neesima graduates from Phillips Academy. He then enters Amherst College. Neesima graduates Amherst College, then enters Andover Theological Seminary. Neesima meets Mori Arinori, Japanese Minister in Washington. A passport and permission to study abroad is mailed to Neesima by Mori Arinori. Neesima is asked to help the Commissioner of Education in the Iwakura Embassy. Neesima is asked to serve as an interpreter for educational tours and visits various places in the United States. Over the next year, Neesima visits Europe with Fujimaro Tanaka. Neesima returns to New York to resume his studies at Andover Theological Seminary. Neesima graduates from Andover Theological Seminary. He gives an address at the last day of the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions held in Rutland, seeking support for the establishment of a Christian college in Japan. The total amount of contributions including pledges(Rutland Fund) sums up to 5,000 dollars. The Second conquest of Choshu. Satsuma and Choshu Alliance Restoration of the power to the Emperor and restoring the Imperial rule. Boshin War(-69) Five Edict Boards, Charter Oath of Five Articles The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad in the USA. The capital is transferred to Tokyo. Return of lands and people to the emperor. Haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures). Modern postal service is established The German Empire is founded. The School system is issued. The railway between Shinbashi and Yokohama is opened. Decree of Conscription Ordinance. Abolition of the bulletin board banning Christianity An opinion paper on establishing a democratically elected parliament is presented.
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